SČ 3DeviSomatický příběh se šťastným koncem aneb V toku života
SČ 4Pavla DoležalováŽivotní dominanty rizikových a protektivních faktorů u dětí s rizikovým chováním
SČ 5neuvedenoKarma and Armor: Perspectives in body-psychotherapy and subtle healing
1. David Boadella - Incarnation, embodiment and the pre-birth drama
2. Rose Ausländer - Hidden Light
3. Vanessa - Flying Lessons for Ikarus
4. T. S. Eliot - Every poem an epitaph
SČ 6neuvedenoLidská symbioza a subfáze separačně individuačního procesu
SČ 7David BoadellaPolarity and Character
SČ 8aMateriály od Gabriele Hoppe1. Lifelines and Light Streams - Part I, David Boadella
SČ 8b2. Transference - Will Davis
SČ 8c3. Borderline Patients and Bound Aries - David Boadella
SČ 8d4. Formative Process and Organising Field: Part I and II - David Boadella
SČ 8e5. Growing Up: The development of the Self - asi Jerome Liss
SČ 8f6. Strategies of Stress-Reduction: Bio-psychic aspects of Word-tension - David Boadella
SČ 8g7. Breathing Dialogues - Patterns of Breathing as Patterns of Social Bonding - Andreas Wehowsky
SČ 8h8. Inspiration and Embodiment: Quality Levels of Expression in Body-Psychotherapy - David Boadella
SČ 8i9. Cultivating Grounding, Centering and Facing - Andreas Wehowsky
SČ 8j10. Thoughts on Psychotherapy with Trauma Survivors: "Repair" and "Healing" - Kathrin Stauffer
SČ 8k11. Empty Handed I Come, Carrying a Spade: Precision and Compassion in Body.Psychotherapy - David Boadella
SČ 9Chapter 5: The Hated Child - The Schizoid Experience
SČ 10Dan HughesThe Communication of Emotions and the Growth of Autonomy and Intimacy Within Family Therapy
SČ 11Stephen M. JohnsonCharakterová proměna člověka
SČ 12David BoadellaThe Net is not the Sea: manuál biosyntézy
SČ 13David Boadella - rozhovorZ jelena se neurotik nestane
SČ 14Esther FrankelSystemic Intervention in Biosynthesis: How to Work with Relational Fields with Families
SČ 15Sylvia + David BoadellaWaters of Life
SČ 16David BoadellaA Bridge Between Worlds: A Personal Message for Eva Reich
SČ 17David BoadellaA Wake-up Call for the World
SČ 18Eva ReichThe Battle for a New Humanity
SČ 19Liliana AceroFeminity, Gender and Essence in Body-Psychotherapy
SČ 21Eva ReichThe Peace on Earth Begins in the Uterus
SČ 22Liane ZinkResonance and the Contemporary
SČ 23David BoadellaAwakening Sensibility, Recovering Motility
SČ 24Adrienne Levy Berg, Rolf Sandell, Christer SandahlAffect-Focused Body Psychotherapy in Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Evaluation of an Integrative Method
SČ 25Cynthia J. Price, Brittney McBride, Lynne Hyerle, Daniel R. KivlahanMindful awareness in body-oriented therapy for female veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder taking prescription analgesics for chronic pain: a feasibility study
SČ 26Victor Sierpina, John Astin, James GiordanoMind-Body Therapies for Headache
SČ 27Cynthia PriceBody-oriented therapy in recovery from child sexual abuse: an efficacy study
SČ 28Frank Röhricht, Nina Papadopoulos, Stefan PriebeAn exploratory randomized controlled trial of body psychotherapy for patients with chronic depression
SČ 29Frank Röhricht, Nina Papadopoulos, Sarah Holden, Tom Clarke, Stefan PriebeTherapeutic processes and clinical outcomes of body psychotherapy in chronic schizophrenia – An open clinical trial
SČ 30Stefan Priebe, Mark Savill, Ulrich Reininghaus, Til Wykes, Richard Bentall, Christoph Lauber, Paul McCrone, Frank Röhricht, Sandra EldridgeEffectiveness and cost-effectiveness of body psychotherapy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia – a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
SČ 31Cynthia PriceCharacteristics of women seeking body-oriented therapy as an adjunct to psychotherapy during recovery from childhood sexual abuse
SČ 32Jeanne Duclos, Anne-Solène Maria, Géraldine Dorard, Florence Curt, Alexandre Apfel, Sarah Vibert, Zoé Rein, Fabienne Perdereau, Nathalie GodartBonding and Expressed Emotion: two Interlinked Concepts?
SČ 33Klaus-Peter Seidler, Karin Schreiber-WillnowConcentrative movement therapy as body-oriented psychotherapy for inpatients with different body experience
SČ 34Peter S. FernaldCarl Rogers: Body-Centered Counselor
SČ 35Maya VulcanIs there any body out there?: A survey of literature on somatic countertransference and its significance for DMT
SČ 36Mel BorinsDo alternative therapies work in pain management?
SČ 37Goode, Erica E., Wagner, BetsyDoes psychotherapy work?
SČ 38Sabine Koch, Teresa Kunz, Sissy Lykou, Robyn CruzEffects of dance movement therapy and dance on health-relatedpsychological outcomes: A meta-analysis
SČ 39David BoadellaEssence and Ground: Towards the Understanding of Spirituality in Psychotherapy
SČ 40Furnham, Adrian; Wardley, Zoe; Lillie, FrancisLay Theories of Psychotherapy III: Comparing the ratings of Lay Persons and Clinical Psychologists
SČ 41Peter M Kreuzer, Monika Goetz, Maria Holl, Martin Schecklmann, Michael Landgrebe, Susanne Staudinger, Berthold LangguthMindfulness-and body-psychotherapy-based group treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled pilot study
SČ 42Tom Alexander Konzag, Susan Klose, Ulrike Banderner-Greulich, Erdmuthe Fikentscher, Ulrich BahrkeStationäre körperbezogene Psychotherapie bei Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa
SČ 43Katsamanis, Maria, Lehrer, Paul M, Escobar, Javier I, Gara, Michael APsychophysiologic Treatment for Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Randomized controlled Trial
SČ 44Bernd Voigt, Sabine Trautmann-VoigtTiefenpsychologische Aspekte der Körpertherapie und der Tanztherapie
SČ 45Wolfgang HarthPsychosomatic dermatology (psychodermatology)
SČ 46David BoadellaQuality of Life: The Matrix of Transformation and the Frontiers of Psychotherapy
SČ 47Cornell, William F; Landaiche, N MichelWhy Body Psychotherapy?: A Conversation
SČ 48David BoadellaCommon Ground and Different Approaches in Psychotherapy
SČ 49více autorůVýběrové články 1−13 (svázané)
SČ 50David BoadellaThe Treatment of Compulsive Character
SČ 51Eunice RodriguesBiosyntéza: terapie jako tanec
SČ 52Jacqueline A. CarletonReich Was Right
SČ 53David BoadellaThe Divided Body
SČ 54Vybrané a vykopírované rozhovory z časopisu Psychologie dnes
SČ 55archvív časopis GEMMA,6/1992,6/1993,1/1995
SČ 56RUKOJMÍ- Kurz intervence v krizových situacích - vykopírovaný text
SČ 57Pohledy na rodičovství - Zídková - vykopírovaný text
SČ 58WHO 1993Emergency psychiatric and intervention services in Europe
SČ 59BEACON HOUSEThe Repair of Early Trauma: A "Bottom Up" Approach
SČ 60David BoadellaInterview (květen 2018)
SČ 61Ludmila MojžíšováMetoda Ludmily Mojžíšové + Cvičení dle Ludmily Mojžíšové
SČ 62David BoadellaTransference, politics and narcissism
SČ 63David BoadellaElementy dotyku
SČ 64A. LowenThe language of the body
SČ 65Roz CarrollThe New Anatomy: Is the ego more than skin deep?
SČ 66David BoadellaGenitální kontakt a sexuální problémy
SČ 67Roz CarrollLove in a scientific climate
SČ 68David BoadellaProudění do hlavy
SČ 69Ester FrankelCitové prožitky během života v děloze
SČ 70Y. C. L. de Delfino a I. H. FlankSpolečná práce pro život
SČ 71Dr. Sheila Murphy, M.A., D.C.Rozplétání porodního zranění u novorozenců: Davidův příběh
SČ 72David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D.The Fetal Senses: Twelve, Not Five: A New Proposal
SČ 73David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D.The Fetal Senses: A Classical View
SČ 74David BoadellaStress and Character-structure
SČ 75Roz CarrollThe Autonomic Nervous System: Barometer of Emotional Intensity and Internal Conflict
SČ 76Roz CarrollThe Motoric (Muscular) Ego
SČ 77Tom WarneckeSome thoughts on involuntary muscle
SČ 78Roz CarrollAutentický pohyb: Vtělení individuální a kolektivní psyché
SČ 79David Boadella Dr Sc. Hon a Silvia Specht-Boadella PhDCommon Ground and Different Approaches in Psychotherapy Biosynthesis: a Somatic Psychotherapy
SČ 80David BoadellaGravity muscles and heart feelings
SČ 81Jacek SantorskiNechat srdce dýchat
SČ 82Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. F.A.C.C. a Alexander Lowen, M.D.Zlomené srdce a srdeční onemocnění
SČ 83Připoutání a vztahy v dospělosti: jak připoutání v raném dětství utváří dospělé vztahy
SČ 84Wilhelm ReichThe Impulsive Character and other writings
SČ 85David BoadellaOrganism and Organisation: The Place of Somatic Psychotherapy in Society
SČ 861. David Boadella
2. David Boadella - Transference, Resonance and Interference
3. David L. Smith - Cosmic influences on character: Epigenetic Astrology and Psycho-Dynamics
4. David L. Smith - Impulsion or compulsion - Solar and Lunar Character Tendencies
5. David Boadella - The treatment of a compulsive character
6. David Boadella - The divided body
7. David Smith - Biodynamics and object-relations Part I.
8. David L. Smith - Biodynamics and Object Relations Part II.
9. David Smith - Biodynamics and Object-Relations Part III.
10. David L. Smith - Biodynamics and Object Relations Part IV.
11. John Southgate - Basic Dimension of character-analys
SČ 87Milton Correa and Esther FrankelA Cognitive approach to Body Psychotherapy
SČ 88Wilhelm ReichFrom Psychoanalysis to Energy Medecine David Boadella
SČ 89Serge GingerA brief introduction to Gestalt
SČ 90Esther Frankel and Milton CorreaBiosynthesis Psychotherapeutic Micro Sessions in Contexts
SČ 91Esther Frankel and Milton CorreaFields of Intentionality: From the family history to individual psychosomatic organisation
SČ 92Anna and Alexander MauthnerConception, birth, life, death
SČ 93Dr. Sheila Murphy, M.A., D.C.The Unraveling of Birth Injury in Infants: The Story of David
SČ 94Y.C.L. de Delfino and I.H. FlankWorking Together for Life
SČ 95Luciano RispoliThe Basic Experiences of the Self
SČ 96Maurizzio StupiggiaThe group as therapist: The group's body in the setting
SČ 97Shosh AvitalThe use of Biosynthesis In Organizational Consulting
SČ 98Allan N. SchoreEffects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health
SČ 99Barbara SchlochowThe phenomena of the lost twin in the womb considered by the trauma principles by Dr. David Boadella
SČ 100Bessel A. van der Kolk, MDDevelopmental trauma disorder: Towards a rational diagnosis for children with complex trauma histories
SČ 101Gerald HütherDie neurobiologischen voraussetzungen für die entfaltung von neugier und kreativität
SČ 102Prof. Dr. Gerald HütherNeurobiological approaches to a better understandig of human nature and human values
SČ 103Tom WarneckeBody, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy