Číslo | Jméno | Název | Poznámky |
D1 | Stanislav Grof | Návrh zásadní revize psychiatrie, psychologie a psychoterapie | Betlémská kaple, Praha, srpen 2014 |
D5 | PBSP DOC film 8, Petra 1 | 2012 |
D6 | PBSP DOC film 9, Ivo 1 | 2012 |
D7 | PBSP DOC film 10, Kate 1 | 2012 |
D8 | PBSP DOC film 11, Michal 1 | 2012 |
D9 | PBSP DOC film 12, Alzbeta 1 | 2012 |
D10 | ROSA | 1993 - 2013 - 20 let pomoci ženám obětem domácího násilí | 2013 |
D11 | A. Pesso | krabička se 7 DVD | 24.11.2010 |
D12 | Albert Pesso | lecture during workshop | 24.11.2007 |
D13 | Pesso | Black Hawk Down 2/2 | |
D14 | Albert Pesso | To Become Who We Really Are | 1999 |
D15 | Radkin Honzák | Chcete se stát psychiatrem?! | CD |
D16 | David Boadella | Interviewed by Sally Potter | říjen 2001 |
D17 | David Boadella | Building bridges between feeling, thought and action | 29th October - 1st November 2010 |
D18 | The Milne Institute | Mastery in the healing arts - Craniosacral class, Intermediate one | Bremen 92 - kazeta |
D19 | The Milne Institute | Mastery in the healing arts - Craniosacral class, Intermediate II. | Bremen 92 - kazeta |
D20 | The Milne Institute | Mastery in the healing arts | |
D21 | David Boadella | Interwiewed by Sally Potter | BIosynthesis |