Maria del Mar Cegarra Cervantes

M.A psychology, Health Specialist by the OPP (Portuguese Psychologists Charta), Biosynthesis Therapist, Senior International Trainer for Biosynthesis, Supervisor and Director for the CPSB (Centro de Psicoterapia Somática em Biossintese) for Spain and Portugal, Family Therapist, Naturopath, Specialized in Psicosomatics and Epigenetics.

Professional experience:
1992 - up to date Clinical Psychologist
Private Practice in Lisbon, CPSB – Centro de Psicoterapia Somática em Biossíntese.
Private Sessions.
2000 – up to Supervisor for the IIBS – International Institute for Biosynthesis
Speaker and organizer of Workshops, Seminars, National and International Congresses.
Invited Teacher for Universities in Spain, Israel, Czech Republic, Chile and Brazil.
Invited Trainer for the Human Resources Department of several companies: DBM Portugal, Barclays Bank, among others.
Psychotherapist for several self-development groups since 1998.
Teacher in Porto Business School.
2006 - up to dateWorks at the CPSB – Centro de Psicoterapia Somática em Biossíntese, Av. 5 de Outubro nº 122 5º Esq. 1050-061 Lisboa
Private Sessions.
Education and training
M.A psychology
Universidade de Sevilla, Spain
Degree in Clinical Psychology.
Biosynthesis Psychotherapist
Biosynthesis Psychotherapy Training
IIBS – International Institute for Biosynthesis
Other Trainings: Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Auriculomedicine, Psychodrama, Somatic Coach, Diamond Approach, Family Therapy, Psychosomatics and Epigenetics.

Personal assets

Mother Tongue: Spanish

Other Languages Understanding Speaking Writing
Oral Compreh. Reading Oral Interaction Oral Production  
Portuguese C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
English C2 C1 C1 C1 C1

Levels: A1/2: Basic User - B1/2 Independent User- C1/2: Proficient User
European Common Reference Levels for Languages

Communication Skills: Good communication skills gained through the professional experience as a teacher, International Psychotherapist, and Group Leader in several languages.
Published Works: Author for several articles in Energy and Character
Presentations: Author of the book The Art of Loving as Three – Me, You and Us
Projects: Founder of the CPSB Portugal and Spain
Conferences: Speaker in many Internaional Congresses
Seminars: President of the APPC- Portuguese Association for Body Psychotherapy
Awards: EAP Delegate for the constitution of the Portuguese Federation for Psychotherapy.
Afilliations: Accreditation Projects for several psychotherapy specialization courses.
References: EABP affiliate – European Association for Body Psychotherapy

